100 Chief in Tech Leaders

To Watch in 2024

Executive Women in Tech (EWIT) is a network supporting women in tech leaders to
connect and exchange with peers while successfully
navigating or advancing to the C-Suite. 

Presented by

Executive Women in Tech
women in tech


In 2023, the representation of women in technology leadership roles hovered at around 24%, a figure that starkly contrasts with the gender distribution in the broader workforce. This disparity has not improved but rather has grown more pronounced over the past five years, indicating that the tech industry, particularly at the executive level, remains far from achieving gender equality.

Against this backdrop, it is crucial to shine a light on the women who are breaking barriers and forging new paths in technology. We are focusing on the trailblazers - the innovators, executives, and influential figures who hold leadership positions in this sector. These women, with their exceptional talent and achievements, are not just contributing to the tech industry; they are actively rewriting its history.

How did we compile the list?

The Executive Women in Tech Network has put together the list of Chief in Tech Leaders to Eatch in 2024 based on nominations, direct applications, information from our database, interviews, company websites, and other public sources. The one thing that unites them all is their passion and resolve to make a difference in the tech world.



Want to meet some of these inspiring women?

The WomenTech Network Chief in Tech Summit will be an opportunity to learn from some of these incredible women and hear their stories. Attendees will gain insights into the latest trends and technologies, as well as strategies for overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities.